

Fifteen years ago, on 31st of August 2005, I passed my Ph.D. viva. On a Merdeka Day.

I remember making that expensive long-distance call to my parents as soon as I stepped out of the viva room.

The first ones I called to share the good news – they must have waited anxiously to hear my results too. And they were happy to hear I passed with a minor correction.

Mixed feelings, it was. For me.

A huge sense of relief. It took me four full years of struggles: blood, sweat and tears. Plus copious amounts of coffees, teas with a dash of milk – British style.

Path untrodden

One cannot walk alone in this untrodden path – without tremendous love & support from my labmates, friends and my family.

And I still have nightmares of not finishing my Ph.D. – it’s thaaat bad… but don’t let my remarks discourage you from embarking on one. I think each Ph.D. candidate has his/her own unique journey and challenges that he/she needs to overcome to become a scholar.

Moments of happiness – on achieving one of my dreams. An intellectual pursuit. I remember my labmates were waiting to celebrate with coffee and doughnuts (as I don’t drink) and later group dinners.

An irony

Moments of awkwardness – when my supervisors and labmates started calling me Doctor Aisyah. It was a new feeling. Earning a Ph.D. from University of Nottingham, U. K. on the Independence Day for Malaysia.

An irony?… Or rather it signals the start of patriotism towards one’s homeland?


I wrote that word on the dedication page of my thesis. My internal examiner hardly bat an eyelid. He was more concerned about some missing specific rotation values of my sugar compounds than the word, Merdeka!

And little did I realise, at that time, the Ph.D. is actually the door to bigger adventures in Life. The many roads to one’s hard-earned, precious independence.

Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan Ke-63!

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