
FAR342 Medicinal Chemistry

Study Guide for Medicinal Chemistry of Cardiovascular Drugs

On this page, you’d find medicinal chemistry resources for studying FAR342 Cardiovascular System and Therapy. Additionally, it is highly recommended to review the chapters in Patrick and Foye textbooks.

Cardiac glycosides

Must know:

  • Digoxin and digitoxin. Lanatosides.
  • Digitoxose sugar. Know how to write out the structure.
  • The OH groups on Digitoxigenin/Gitoxigenin.
  • SAR of CGs. How parts of the structure contribute to its activity.
  • Where do CGs act in the cardiac action potential? What happens?

Foye is the main reference for the CG topic and also for this course; though for some topics I use Patrick. 

For straightforward explanations on cardiac glycosides, do head to Dr Umesh Desai’s webpage. It may look dated, but it contains a wealth of information on the medicinal chemistry of CGs. 

Angina and arrhythmias

Must know:

Slide deck for FAR342 Anti-angina & -arrhythmic agents

FAR342 Anti-angina & -arrhythmic agents Part A, CC BY-NC-ND, Dr Aisyah Saad
FAR342 Anti-angina & -arrhythmic agents Part A
FAR342 Anti-angina & -arrhythmic agents Part B, CC BY-NC-ND, Dr Aisyah Saad
FAR342 Anti-angina & -arrhythmic agents Part B

Anti-lipidemic Drugs 

Must know:

Hyperlipidemia and its treatment. Statins, fibrates, Ezetimibe, Bile sequestrants.

Slide deck for FAR342 Anti-lipidemic drugs

FAR342 Anti-lipidemia Part A, CC BY-NC-ND, Dr Aisyah Saad
FAR342 Anti-lipidemia Part A
FAR342 Anti-lipidemia Part B, CC BY-NC-ND, Dr Aisyah Saad
FAR342 Anti-lipidemia Part B

Antihypertensive agents

The key drugs under this categories are Beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors. For an overview of ACE inhibitors, please watch the tutorial video below. This video was created for FAR212 but it is still very relevant in this course.

For beta-blockers, the drugs categories under discussion are mixed alpha, beta-blocker (propanolol) and B1-selective blocker (mitoprolol, bisaprolol).

Also check out this reference by Dr Bahar which gives you an overall med chemi summary of cardiovascular drugs.

Good luck for your quiz/exam!

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