
Academic presentations: What can you learn from the designs of Khairul Aming’s Dengdeng Nyet Berapi Tik Tok live video? 

There are several design ideas that one can ‘borrow’ from Khairul Aming’s success in selling his new product ‘Dendeng Nyet Berapi’. In this post, I share three tips you can apply for academic presentations. This is a re-blog of my FB post written on February 3, 2024. I find it interesting to note some similarities…

AI Presentation Creator for Lecturers
AI Presentation Creator for Lecturers

AI Presentation Creator for Lecturers:

Same old, same old Powerpoint slide deck?… Say goodbye to boring ppt slides and embrace the advent of your very own digital assistant with  At the intersection of artificial intelligence and presentation tools lies a world of (almost) infinite possibilities… waiting to be explored. is one of many presentation tools enhanced with artificial…

Take five before five

In this brief post, I would like to share a good reminder, a hadith of what Life is about: If you reflect upon your life up to now, these are five blessings given in Life: In our younger days, we tend to lead with little direction. We are often unsure where we are going… We…

An alternative 5A-5C model presentation at the IEEE ICALT2023 conference | What goes behind the screen Part IV

Recently presented my paper titled “An Alternative Model for Promoting Collaboration and Teamwork in Remote Online Laboratory” at IEEE ICALT 2023 conference. It was held at Orem, Utah but my presentation was done online. A well-organised hybrid conference, many interesting work involving the use of #AI #augmentedreality and #chatbots in higher education. Presentation of an…

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