
Outcome-based Education (OBE) and iCGPA

Constructive alignment in a programme and courses is important. It’s a relationship between Learning Outcomes–Assessment–Instruction/Learning Activities.

OBE is SCL, OBE is Team-work

Attended a 1-day workshop on OBE organised by USM School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Conducted by a team from School of Civil Engineering, headed by Prof. Taksiah; I learned quite a lot from this workshop.

The workshop was delivered in a straightforward manner, sharing experiences doing OBE since 2006. It was clear and very easy to understand the need for a paradigm shift from content-centred to student-centred learning (SCL).

* CPA – Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Skills

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In summary, what I gathered so far from the workshop:

  • Top to bottom: Vision & Mission↔PEO↔PO↔CO↔Bloom’s taxonomy↔Assessment methods
  • MQA, 8 LOs | MOHE/USM (BPK), 9 LOs | Learning Taxonomy (CAP) & Soft Skills
  • Teaching Plans
  • Delivery, Teaching Strategies, Learning Activities
  • Rubrics, rubrics, rubrics (for the conditions)
  • Outcome attainment, not content
  • CQI, closely linked to performance and outcome attainment. Practise Exit Interviews/Exam.
  • Each course has a course file: BPK, Teaching Plans, Attendance, Notes/Instruction’s Manuals, Questions and Answers Schemes, Sample assignments, tests (B3M3W3).

The workshop was concluded with a demonstration of the spider web for iCGPA and further discussions with lecturers at the School. More on iCGPA and holistic education in Malaysia in my interview with Prof. Datuk Dr. Asma Ismail.

Looking forward to hands-on workshops on OBE particularly working at the course level, and perhaps later mapping these COs to POs in the curriculum and generating iCGPA of pharmacy students.

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