Harpswell ASEAN 2019 Communication and Technology | Dr Aisyah Saad | Digital leaders
Future ASEAN women leaders with technology

Empowering future ASEAN women leaders with technology

I was invited to conduct two sessions of Communications and Technology to 23 ASEAN women leaders at a recent Harpswell ASEAN Program in Women’s Leadership. This is my third year with Harpswell. The leadership program for young professional women is held in partnership with KANITA and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Participants are flown to Penang…

Facebook for Educators: 15 Ways To Use as a Class Management Tool

Mobile devices and Gen Y (also known as the Millennials) are virtually inseparable. It’s used anytime, anywhere, often so for social interactions. The Millennials sleep, eat, walk and do almost everything with their phones. Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, GooglePlus are several top social media platforms where the younger generation ‘hang-around’ online. To some educators, these…

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