
The Magic in Your Hand: 5-Step Approach to an Effective Presentation Structure

New! My second book on presentation is out today😀 It’s available on Kobo and Angus & Robinson via this link, and as a Kindle ebook.

Almost 9 months ago, I wrote my first book on presentation, Elevate, and received great feedback from my readers. It was awesome.

A librarian at USM Health Campus bought six copies at one go when I was there for PnP in April 2019. Asked why, she said she loved the writing and bought them as gifts to their invited facilitators – thank you!😍

But then, I realised there’s something missing from the book. Don’t get me wrong, I love the writing process – it helps me clarify my feelings and thoughts. Writing about my experiences and opinions crystallises a lot of things. And through writing I am able to connect to my readers.

Seeing the stories materialising as a presentation book, makes me even happier. The book imparts stories and lessons yet… there is little mention of a method or approach in creating a presentation.

As you know it, to get a ball rolling is not easy. It’s easier to procrastinate😉

So I want to help make things easier, quicker for you. In today’s language – it’s like hacking a presentation’s creative process.

In Harry Potter’s language, The Magic is in Your Hand. More precisely, if you wonder… how to add a structure to a presentation? Where do I start?

The new book offers a 5-step approach that I use in crafting my presentations. I tend to do it sub-consciously or automatically. In this book, I unpack my workflow, step-by-step, for you to follow and apply the process to your own presentation. Included are some slide decks–teaching, keynote and plenary session–with some comments, ideas and tips in presentation design.

I hope you’d find the 5-step approach helpful in creating a presentation. Any questions or comments, do drop me a line at

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