
Confidence on Camera by Alexa Fischer

How to be confident (and look natural) on camera

Just finished taking a Udemy course by Alexa Fischer on camera confidence.

As educators and/or researchers, we’d probably give more than thirty lectures a year. We talk to our students, peers and colleagues; we stumbled, mumbled when we talk; we throw a joke or two to make things less serious.

However when it comes to standing behind a camera something else happens… As if aliens have just landed before us. We become frozen, stiff as a stick and sometimes, sweat a lot. Words come out as squeaky voices, or even loss for words. Many of us (including yours truly) are camera shy. So how to become more confident in front of camera?

Confidence On Camera: Make Amazing Videos, Easily
by Alexa Fischer.
It’s a light and easy online course for online instructors.
Forty five short videos, mostly less than 5 minutes.
A total of 3.5 hours, quite realistic duration if you wish to
complete the course in 2-3 days.


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