OER Let's Learn about Chirality
OER for Gen Z – Let’s Learn about Chirality |

Let’s Learn about Chirality, an OER module for Gen-Z

Open textbooks or modules on stereochemistry and chirality released under Open Educational Resources, though informative, seem a little dry for teaching chemistry online to Gen-Z students.

This video-based module serves as an introduction to the concepts of chirality and stereoisomers. The videos are concise, between 6-12 minutes, with interactive quizzes to test for students’ understanding.

So the module is designed with Gen-Z students in mind (see below for a brief note on Gen-Z). They value flexible learning, an advantange offered by online resources. That they may wish to learn concepts in stereochemistry at their own convenience.

For teachers, the content of the module and quizzes are re-useable and can be adapted for your own chemistry class. The OER module on chirality would be useful for practical session delivered via blended learning mode, or even as a pre-lecture resource for a flipped classroom.

To view and use the OER, please click on this link:

Who are Gen-Z?

Gen-Z in higher education are students born sometime in the late 1990s until 2012 (see the graph below). They are already in the second or third year of university.

Due to ‘different formative experiences’ (early exposure to technology, mobile devices and social media), this generation may hold different views and values.

They might also have different life choices and preferences (Youtube, Instagram, AirBnB) compared to their parents (often Gen Xers) or grandparents (Boomers) who grew up with televisions, newspapers and cassette recorders, taxis and hotels.

As such, how Gen-Z’s learning approach and expectations may greatly differ from their parents.

The graph is from Pew Research Centre

For example, if they find a live lecture boring, they might skip it entirely. They would Google for the information and seek alternatives on Youtube or other online platforms. Plus there are plenty of MOOCs and free online courses out there – from the world’s top universities.

On the contrary, during Gen-Xers’ time they may have to remain in a lecture theatre and listen to the live lecture as they had no choices.

Gen-Z are Insta, Snapchat and Tik Tok generation. Where sentences are ministers. Emoticons and stickers are queen. And visuals are king.

yours truly

Re-design content for Gen-Z

So I believe that it is imperative for educators to re-design their content and course materials to suit Gen-Z and beyond.

Gen-Z tend to have shorter attention span (8 secs and less?) than their parents (Gen-Xers). Tik tok. Youtube short videos.

Their attention is premium.

So the shorter the better. Short lectures with breaks, instead of long lectures. I’ve written about the interactive lecture strategy in my book, Elevate.

Bite size video recordings (during Covid-19 pandemic) are somewhat preferred over a live lecture. Educators may require to learn better video making and editing skills… along with effective presentation skills.

And make the learning materials look modern, visually-attractive and interesting for Gen-Z. Fun facts: the consumption of visual media is reported to be 6 times longer than a decade ago with a strong inclination towards consumption via mobile devices.

Gen-Z are Insta, Snapchat and Tik Tok generation. Where sentences are ministers, Emoticons and stickers are queen. And visuals are king.

For educators, that’s food for thoughts.

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