
Immersive Websites–How do they look and feel like?

I’m looking at the designs of immersive websites. Immersive web designs “blend traditional informative qualities with entertainment elements” and are successful in making complex things feels easier, simpler. By integrating good graphics (e.g 360), videos and interactive elements, immersive website can make visitors or learners feel as if they are stepping into a scene or a building, exploring the nooks and corners of the scene.

A good starting point for draw some design inspirations would be Awwwards. It recognises the effort and talents of those behind the ‘screen’–in this case, behind the websites. The websites are evaluated based on a rubric of design, usability, creativity and content. Depending on the rubric plus users’ votes (e.g. tribe, pro, chief and jury), websites also received recognition under different categories e.g. Site of the Day/Month/Year, Honourable Mention. The designs here can also be applicable for presentation designs!

The websites that I found not only attractive, but also engaging and perhaps deeply immersive. They are as follows:

  1. Princeton NU.
    An educational site that employs simple, flat design.The site invites you to explore a fictitious ‘Nu’ nuclear weapon state and learn more about the technologies and researches involved. It received mixed reviews, but I love it. Why? It feels inviting, love the colour schemes, the little interactive map and the non-intrusive slide-in text. Well put-together.
  2. UK’s Resuscitation Council, Liversaver
    This site uses a combination of interactive storytelling with videos. It reminds me of the interactive books that one reads and chooses different pathways, each which lead to a unique ending. To keep the pace going, they added the time and gamification elements–along with reassuring female voice that acts as a guide in this short, free course.
  3. The Road Adventures. Driving Test. From Russia.
    It’s in Russian. But that doesn’t deter me from interacting with the site. Clever ways with visuals to find out more about their users. Put a smile on my face while ‘playing’ with it.
  4. Hidden Dangers.
    Initially I thought it was an educational website to inform us about the dangers lurking in our rivers. Short and sweet, interactive site with videos and lucid cartoons of bacteria, trash. Like the background music that reminds me of an adventure video game (Mystic or something). It turns out to be a donation site for WaterIsLife water filter.

And… more below:

Inside Abbey Road Studio | |



This page will be updated as I explore more websites. Stay tuned.
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