
Great start in the New Year!

Yesterday, I was served as facilitator in Prof. Abd Karim Alias’ 2-hour workshop for Deans, Deputy Deans and Directors at Universiti Sains Malaysia. The title of the workshop is ‘Experiencing Education in the Era of Industry 4.0’. Click here for the workshop online module.

The big idea is for the heads of departments to experience the change, from lecture to learning. From instructor-centred to student-centred. And from passive to active learning.

The workshop was delightfully graced by our dear Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Asma Ismail who participated and stayed on until the end of the workshop.The heads changed role as students in the lively workshop. Using the workshop online module, the workshop was  designed to encourage active, collaborative learning. Tools e.g. Padlet (Icebreaker), Mentimeter, Socrative, Kahoot and Flipgrid. Good, high energy amongst the participants. Great way to bring in fun, challenging activities while at the same time inculcate digital skills in students. Something to ponder when it comes to embedding digital skills in the curriculum, in the bigger picture in the Outcome-based Education (OBE).

The session was broadcasted on Facebook and Youtube Live. It received close to 2000 views as of yesterday. If you’ve missed it, you may catch up here from Prof. Karim’s FB.

The following are several shots and videos taken during the session:

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